Parent Teacher Association

Community / Parent Teacher Association

Welcome new and seasoned families to the Hillel Torah PTA! We are excited to offer many initiatives that help strengthen our community, improve our facilities, create engaging programming for students, and, of course, show our tremendous appreciation for the amazing educators, staff, and administrators our children are lucky enough to learn from every day.

We invite you and your family to get involved in one of our many activities that take place throughout the year. Consider becoming a volunteer, find fun ways to earn your give/get, meet other parents, and play an important role in our school community. We welcome your ideas and are always looking for ways to enhance the PTA’s involvement and reach.

We look forward to another successful year as part of the Hillel Torah PTA family. Can’t wait for you to join us!

Michelle Prince & Stephanie Strenger
2024-2025 PTA Presidents
[email protected]

PTA President

What is the Goal of the PTA?

We aim to help Hillel Torah provide the very best to our children and staff by raising funds that are used to:

  • Show the staff and faculty our appreciation throughout the year
  • Plan family programs that build and strengthen the school community
  • Help the school make needed building improvements and purchase materials that support learning
  • Provide special events and treats for students and staff
  • Engage in chesed activities to benefit the greater community


Did you know the PTA is on Facebook? Join this group to stay updated about PTA events and anything else school-related!

Home Tested Cookbook

Home Tested

Announcing the all new cookbook from the Hillel Torah PTA!

Released in May 2023 Home Tested is a collection of 115 original, approachable, and adaptable recipes for both new and accomplished home cooks. From breakfast to dinner to weekday to Shabbat there is something for every cook, every family, and every appetite.

We hope you use this book as an inspiration and as a guide to putting a meal on the table. We know many of these recipes will become your new go-to staples much as they have ours.

For questions or more information email [email protected]

Our Programs

Family Chesed Day

We are proud of our school’s dedication to Chesed promoting one of our favorite events of the year – the Emuna Shir Weiss z”l PTA Family Chesed Day dedicated in the memory of Miriam Isenberg z”l. This event is a perfect opportunity to get involved a volunteer or as a family, set an example for our children and have a direct impact on the lives of those in need in our community.

Because of our amazing PTA family of volunteers and with the help of our students, this year we were able to:

  • Make 8 no-sew blankets made for Chai Lifeline kids going through treatment
  • Decorate and pack over 100 mishloach manot packages to be delivered to the Chai Lifeline for their Purim party.
  • Decorate and pack 20 activity bags for kids of all ages for MY Kids
  • Sort and pack 60 bags of clothing for the Chicago Chesed Fund
  • Write 100 cards for lone soldiers in the IDF
  • Decorate and assemble 25 Purim centerpieces for the dining tables at Park Plaza
  • Decorate and pack 25 Bracha Bags of toiletries and winter wear for The VA. We also made cards to thank them for their service.
  • Decorate and fill 8 boxes of toiletries for The ARK and ready to be delivered along with 2 big boxes of wipes and 6 boxes of diapers in various sizes.
  • Assemble and fill 12 popsicle stick vases with 36 handmade tissue paper flowers for The ARK which will be delivered for their Purim Party.
  • Raise $47 through coffee and hot chocolate sales for Matanot Le’evyonim.
  • Register over 200 volunteers with All For Good to help us win up to 20 tickets to Disney to be raffled for some of our families to enjoy.
  • Interest at least 3 people in becoming registered for Be The Match and many others expressed interest in donating blood. 
  • Decorate and arrange 4 cookie platters and posters for First Responders (fire and police)
PTA Event

Back-to-School Blast

A highlight of returning to school in the fall is our PTA Back-to-School Blast. While taking care of back to school business, students love to participate in our entertainment while catching up with friends. Parents can volunteer to head a myriad of activities at this event from paperwork, organizing and many others. This is a great time to get involved right at the start of our year and begin to earn your give-get credit while meeting new families and friends.

Silent Chagiga and Preschool Dance Party

The PTA-sponsored Silent Chagiga and Dance Party is a fun physical fitness challenge and fundraiser for the entire school, complete with cheering, giveaways, and snacks. Each grade is a team and teams who raise the most money, display the best sportsmanship, and more, win exciting prizes. The goal of the PTA-sponsored Chagiga and Dance Party is to raise funds for new outdoor play equipment and furnishings.

Students in grades K- 8th enjoyed a Silent Chagiga, with the music played through wireless headphones worn by each student and the Preschoolers had the best time at their Dance Party.

The Silent Chagiga and Preschool Dance Party take place during the school day. Our talented volunteers decorated the gym to create a glow-in-the-dark Yom Yerushalyim-themed atmosphere and each preschooler decorated t-shirts and then enjoyed a ruach-filled dance party.

Children reading in librart

Book Fair

Our school promotes literacy and reading through our PTA Scholastic Book Fair. Students enjoy “shopping” for their book choices and parents can then purchase them at conferences, which also helps raise much-needed funds for our school.

The fair is a great opportunity to get involved as there are a lot of volunteers required to make this bi-annual event fundraiser a success. From staffing the cash register to setup and cleanup, please look out for dates and be sure to join us!

Parenting Partnership Lecture Series

We believe strongly in promoting supportive, and informative learning opportunities for parents to build on our parent community with an ongoing series of educational programming aimed at helping build happy and healthy families. We encourage you to participate in one or more of these important programs and join us in shaping the Partnership’s growth.

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