Parnes Hayom / Day of Learning

/ Giving / Parnes Hayom / Day of Learning

Ways to Give

Sponsoring a day of learning through our Parnes Hayom program is a unique opportunity to support our students while recognizing your loved ones. Each day, week or month of sponsored learning will be recognized by a dedicated email sent to the community, digital signage in the lobby of the school building, and will be included in our weekly community email newsletter.

Our students love when their learning gains extra meaning in honor of a life cycle event or pays tribute to a special achievement through our Parnes Hayom program. They also feel a special responsibility to learn well in the merit of a full refuah, or recovery, for someone ill. We are so grateful to the families that elevate our learning to an even more purposeful level.

Sponsorship Levels

Day of Learning


Month of Learning


Week of Learning


Day of Learning in Perpetuity


This level of participation allows you to be part of our growth and success year after year.

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