Skokie Eighth Graders Create Documentaries That Preserve Holocaust Survivors’ Stories
post by Hillel Torah | Jan 28, 2018
[Skokie Review]
Like other Holocaust survivors, Lane Rubinstein recently told of his interrupted childhood and the horrors he and his family faced at the hands of Nazis – all as cameras recorded his testimony.
What was different this time was who was asking the questions and who stood behind those cameras. In both cases, it was Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School eighth graders in Skokie.
Under the “Names, Not Numbers” program, students had been preparing for the interviews, and others like it, long before Jan. 16 when Rubinstein’s interview took place. Students rotated asking questions to Rubinstein, guiding him chronologically through his days before, during and after the war.
Videographer Sandra Stakic helped them behind the scenes.
“Everyone has seen adults interview survivors,” said Hillel Torah history teacher and project co-coordinator Laurie Pinchot. “What about this younger generation that is really going to have the responsibility of telling these stories?”
Names, Not Numbers is a…see more here.