Hillel Torah Featured in New Book
We are excited to share that Hillel Torah is prominently featured in the first chapter of a newly published book, Inside Jewish Day Schools: Leadership, Learning, and Community, by Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer. In this compelling new book, the authors conducted meticulous research on nine Jewish Day Schools across North America ranging in size,…
posted by Hillel Torah
Skokie students participate as scribe restores torah that survived Holocaust
[Skokie Review] By STEVE SADIN PIONEER PRESS | FEB 01, 2022 AT 1:40 PM A group of eighth graders in Skokie understands that their generation will be the last to personally speak to Holocaust survivors, and they know that gives them an obligation to carry the message to future generations. Meir Felemovicius of Skokie is…
posted by Hillel Torah
Another Year of Chidon Success
[Chicago Jewish Home] MAY 30, 2019 – In early May, 250 students qualified nationwide (out of 600+) to travel to New York to take their shot at the National Chidon HaTanach finals.15 out of 24 of our 7th and 8th grade Chidon participants represented Hillel Torah at the competition. Yishar Koach to the four students…
posted by Hillel Torah
Nine Years of Names, Not Numbers ©
[Chicago Jewish Home] MAY 30, 2019 – For the past nine years, Hillel Torah’s 8th grade classes have been privileged to gain firsthand knowledge of the Holocaust through participation in the worldwide, intergenerational Holocaust oral history film project, Names Not Numbers©. Names, Not Numbers © is an ongoing documentary created by students who research Holocaust…
posted by Hillel Torah
The Promise of Day School Education: Cultural Virtuosity
[E Jewish Philanthropy] MAY 15, 2019 – I’ve been studying Jewish day schools for the last 25 years, a long time by most measures. Over two days recently, the potential of this enterprise to create Jewish cultural virtuosos – people with outstanding ability to contribute to Jewish culture – suddenly gained new clarity for me.…
posted by Hillel Torah
Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZaikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut at Hillel Torah
[http://chicagojewishhome.com/yom-hashoah-yom-hazikaron-and-yom-haatzmaut-at-hillel-torah/] MAY 16, 2019 – On Yom HaZikaron, we remembered those who lost their lives in the struggle that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, and all military and civilian people who were killed while in active duty in Israel’s armed forces or in terrorist attacks. Our Bnot Sherut HT 2018-19 created…
posted by Hillel Torah
Hillel Torah Selected for Exclusive Jewish Day School Book Project
Hillel Torah has recently been selected as one of nine schools to be highlighted in a new book being written about the impact of Jewish day school education in North America. As one of the final projects of the Avi Chai Foundation, Drs. Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer will be capturing the stories of…
posted by Hillel Torah
CTD Partners with Jewish Day Schools
FEB 26, 2019 – Our partnership with the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University funded by the Crown Family Philanthropies is off to a strong start. This year we embarked on a full review of our higher level educational programming, the first step in this multi-year process. Northwestern collected data from parents, students, faculty,…
posted by Hillel Torah
How Hillel Torah’s Aliza Rosenbaum Uses Sefaria.org
[blog.sefaria.org] Aliza Rosenbaum has been teaching Judaic Subjects to seventh and eighth grade students at Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School in Skokie, Il for seven years. She has spent much of that time experimenting in her classroom in the hopes of developing the most effective ways to teach and work with her students. In…
posted by Hillel Torah
Skokie Eighth Graders Create Documentaries That Preserve Holocaust Survivors’ Stories
[Skokie Review] Like other Holocaust survivors, Lane Rubinstein recently told of his interrupted childhood and the horrors he and his family faced at the hands of Nazis – all as cameras recorded his testimony. What was different this time was who was asking the questions and who stood behind those cameras. In both cases, it…
posted by Hillel Torah
HT Partners with the Museum of Science and Industry
For students at Hillel Torah, the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) is not just a world-class cultural institution at their fingertips. It’s part of their curriculum. The museum’s Science Leadership School Partners Program works with K-8 schools in the greater Chicagoland area to integrate a cross-disciplinary approach to science education. As the only Jewish…
posted by Hillel Torah
Google Expeditions: Skokie Students Take Grand Field Trips Without Ever Leaving School
[Skokie Review] Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School students recently experienced what many would consider field trips of a lifetime — only they never physically left their familiar classrooms in Skokie. Simply by donning a viewing device, inside of which was a cell phone running just the right free app, they suddenly were transported. They…