Reflections From Israel
I recently returned from what was an emotional, meaningful, and inspirational trip to Israel. Devora and I spent quality time with our son, Hersch, who is learning in Torat Shraga this year, my parents who live in Yerushalayim, and many close family members, all of whom are either serving in the army themselves or who…
posted by Hillel Torah
Insights from a Preschool Teacher
There’s no way to really begin, so I’ll take you on a serene journey to my classroom, where I am a Morah to the youngest children in our school, three and four year olds. The room is fresh and bright and the children skip in, running into my arms for hugs, shouting gleefully to their…
posted by Hillel Torah
Rabbi Linzer Participates in Principal’s Leadership Program at Harvard
On July 10th, a group of Jewish educational leaders from around the country arrived at The Harvard Graduate School of Education, excited to begin LEV – Leadership: An Evolving Vision, a one-week intensive leadership program. The Day School Principal’s Program was developed and funded by a well-respected national foundation. The administrators who were chosen for…
posted by Hillel Torah
Pedagogy of Partnership
Hillel Torah teachers love to learn and bring new ideas into the classroom, even during a global pandemic. Peek into the 7th grade Dinim class of Judaic Studies teacher Rabbi Yoni Gold, or Samantha Toljanic’s 8th grade ELA class, and you will see a new approach to the ideas and texts they study. Both teachers…
posted by Hillel Torah
Anna Shkolnikov Named “Outstanding Beginning Teacher” by IACTE
Anna Shkolnikov, Hillel Torah Kindergarten teacher, received the 2020 Outstanding Beginning Teacher Award presented by the Illinois Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (IACTE). The award honors teachers in the first five years of their careers who are recognized for their dedication to students and the profession. Morah Shkolnikov is an alumna of Hillel Torah…
posted by Hillel Torah
Sari Kravitt Wins 1st Place Hartman Educator of the Year Award
The Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago Hartman Family Foundation Educator of the Year Award recognizes outstanding and innovative education professionals in the ATT system. Hillel Torah teacher Sari Kravitt was named the 2019 1st place winner. Over the past eight years, Sari has earned a stellar reputation as a teacher who really gets to know…